River Surf Photo of the Week
KB from Strongwater Surfboards enjoying the 100 degree heat on one of the many amazing surf waves on the beautiful Salmon river. Huge props go out to Chad Addleman for capturing this breathtaking scenery. As river surfers, we`re so blessed that we can call such beautiful environments our surfing homes!
Glassy Wave in Bulken, Norway.
Epic drop into the wave in Boise, Idaho.
Surfing some delicious “gelato chocolate” in Italy.
River surfing in Itapiranga (Brazil) close to the border to Argentina. Enjoy this pic!
Real river surfing art is rare. Enjoy this stunning watercolour painting by Jennifer Camwell.
That kid is ripping!
Going big on the Colorado!
When flows are up, surf is up!
Beautiful river surfing spot in Switzerland. We’re in love with this photo!
Having fun on Chris Mimler’s Buster ‘Pacman’ Limited Edition Surfboard, D-Type 5’7″. Check out this beauty of a board in our exclusive interview with Chris.
Some river surfing action in Nebraska, US. Dane ripping the best out of this beast!
Have you ever wondered what your typical river surfing session looks like? This is a pic by Hayden who has tracked his surf down the Boise River Park.
Previous Photos of the Week
Special Wave on the White Nile, UgandaDane O Jackson ripping the hell out of Special Wave in Uganda.© Dane O Jackson
Rio Vista River Dam, San MarcosFlorian Mangold (Munich, GER) and Reini Urban (Graz, AUT) living in Texas trying to take the best out of Rio Vista River Dam in San Marcos. Not everything is big in Texas.© Reini Urban
Surfing Columbus Wave, GeorgiaDare O’Ravitz and friends are looking forward to seeing some more river surfers at this beautiful spot in Columbus this summer.© Dare O’Ravitz
Dominik Hipp, Delight AllianceThanks to Delight Alliance for this awesome summer river surfing pic.© Dominik Hipp
Beautiful Boise, IdahoThanks to Peter Jones for sending in this stunning moment of river surfing captured by Sean Shafer in Boise, Idaho.© Sean Shafer
Cliff Wave on the KanThis is Cliff Wave On the Kananaskis river, unfortunately gone now since the Alberta floods 2013.© Jason McQuade
Link River WaveKevin Ludwig, a local river surfing pioneer: The dedication to tracking this wave and exploring its potential was were my passion for river surfing flourished. First Surf of the Link River in Klamath Falls, OR. A rare snow fed wave.© Gregg Waterman
Eric AllardAllard doing his thing at H67 in Montreal, Canada.© Martin Gagne
David Womack