Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Riverbreak?

Riverbreak is the world’s first magazine focusing exclusively on river surfing. It’s a place for riders to enhance their skills, share and discuss their experiences and convey the unique lifestyle of river surfing. It’s time for river surfing to step out of the shadows and become autonomous from it’s cousin, ocean surfing.

What is Riverbreak doing?

We look for the stories, events and individuals that paint a picture of today’s modern river surf landscape. We try to provide our readers with fun and interesting stories from every aspect of the sport, aided by our network of organisers, surfers and initiatives.

How does Riverbreak define its mission?

Our goal is to make a vibrant home for all river surfers out there. People, gear, places, you will find everyone and everything has a place here, from the most awe-inspiring riders to the freshest surfboards to the coldest mountain surf-spots. We provide our readers with the newest stories from rivers that are being surfed all over the world – and even some that aren’t (yet).

Who are the guys behind Riverbreak?

Riverbreak is being maintained by a growing group of people connected by their love for the sport. Just as the river surf community is slowly getting off its hind legs, and stepping into public view so are we.

What is Riverbreak’s philosophy?

Our principles rest on our independence and love for the sport. Riverbreak is a non-profit community magazine – all costs for running this site are coming from our empty pockets.

Where does Riverbreak get its funds from?

Nowhere. There are no sponsors or anyone who is telling us what to write about!

Are you affiliated with any other publication?

No. We are an independent online magazine without any affiliations. We enjoy the freedom to write about anything we like.

How can I get one of these Riverbreak stickers?

Help spreading the stoke of river surfing and order your Riverbreak sticker here.

How do I submit a photo/video to you?

We’re always happy to feature reader-submitted photos and videos. Simply upload your stuff via our photos and videos submission forms. Easy!

How do I submit a story to you?

Riverbreak is a magazine made for and by river surfers. That’s why everyone who is passionate about our sport should have the chance to get his/her voice heard in the community. If you have something to say or want to contribute a story get in touch with us.

Can I use the Riverbreak logo?

Sure, please check out our media page for Riverbreak logos. Logos are optimised for both web and print.

How can I get involved?

We’re always looking for people who want to move river surfing one step forward. If you’re keen to jump on board, simply send us an.

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