Published on September 22nd, 2016 | by Börny

FUS JAM 2016: In The End Dead

This must-see edit really shows what sets the FUS CREW apart from other river surfers. Check out Flo Kummer sticking his infamous kickflips and rail slides, Tao Schirrmacher pulling off huge air reverses and the Eisbach legend Quirin Rohleder shredding his brains out!

1. Flori Kummer (FUS-CREW)
2. Klaus St Rainer (SCREW-CREW)
3. Tao Schirrmacher (FUS-CREW)

We’d love to end this clip with a great quote from the FUS CREW: “Basically, we’re just friends who grew up together surfing rivers.”

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Börny was forced to surf the river Mur in Graz / Austria for the first time in 2010 (by PhilK) during the time he made a movie called 'murtreiben' about the local riversurfing scene (sounds very similar to PhilK's story). Since then he decided to surf rivers instead of making movies. And now there is Riverbreak!

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