Austrian River Surf Camp
Want to advance your river surfing skills? Prepare for a surf trip? Or learn river surfing from scratch? Here’s your chance!
The Austrian River Surf Camp (ARS-Camp) is a two-day camp at Čunovo Wave, Divoka Voda — the white water park with perfect conditions to learn river surfing, advance your surfing skills or prepare for an upcoming surf trip. During the two days, you’ll be introduced to the unique sport of river surfing, learn the basics about waves and safety issues and get to know different paddling techniques.
The standing wave will allow you to gain more actual wave time than you could possibly have on a few weeks surf trip to the sea. Within the first few hours you’ll be surfing on the green wave and get a good feel for your board, the water and the right moves. After the camp, you’ll feel confident to grab a board and go out on your own.
The ARS-Camp Team is looking forward to surfing with you – go get registered!
ARS-Camp 1: July 20-21, 2013
ARS-Camp 2: Augsut 10-11, 2013
ARS-Camp 3: October 5-6, 2013
11.30 am – 1.30 pm: arrival
1.30 pm – 2 pm: handing out equipment
2 pm – 5 pm: surf lessons, exclusively for participants
5 pm – 7.30 pm: free surf
Starting at 7 pm: dinner, local DJs, chill out
7 am – 10 am: breakfast buffet
11 am – 2 pm: surf lessons, exclusively for participants
Starting at 2 pm: lunch
2 pm – 5.30 pm: free surf
6 pm: departure
All Inclusive (organised arrival + accommodation + food + equipment + surf lessons): € 200
Happy Camper (food + equipment + surf lessons): € 140
DIY (equipment + surf lessons): € 110
More about the ARS-Camp
The ARS-Camp on Facebook: