Surf Anywhere Wave Raiser
Surf Anywhere is holding a Wave Raiser event this Feb, 15 2014. Come out to this beach party and bid on some art work, buy a t-shirt and win some cool stuff. Meet some other surfers in the neighbourhood and help raise the cash Surf Anywhere needs to complete the construction of a world class surf wave right in the Kananaskis River.
Support Calgarians and help them achieve their dream of surfing far from the ocean. Calling all surfers and outdoor enthusiasts – you’re invited to come to a beach party in Calgary, Alberta. Surf Anywhere and the Alberta River Surfing Association are proud to be the number one promoters of surfing and surf culture in yyc.
Escape to the the beach this Feb, 15 and come meet other surf minded individuals.
Surf Anywhere will be giving away raffle items, bidding on surf art, and dancing up a storm. Wait, not a surfer? Perfect! The Surf Anywhere project is installing a world class surf wave right here in the Kananaskis. That’s why they need your help — the funds raised at this event will ensure the future of surfing in Alberta. Still don’t believe it? Check out their promo video, this is for real!
What’s the alternative to river surfing in Alberta? Burning plane fuel? Or burning boat fuel? River surfing is the future of landlocked surfing and the group in Calgary is on the cutting edge wave building. Support local Calgarians who aren’t satisfied with the status quo. Help them achieve their dream of surfing far from the ocean.
Bands, DJs, Artist Lineup
Bands and DJ Lineup
Still to come
Artist line up for Art Auction
Still to come
Sponsor list and raffle items
Still to come
Email to collaborate
Save the Date
February, 15 2014
Hillhurst Community Centre
$20 (or by donation) – ask about early bird pricing and deals for longtime ARSA followers
Fundraiser and Beach Dance Party
7:00 – 1:00 am
Support a worthy cause
Your $15 ticket price and all donations, raffle tickets, drinks, T-Shirts and silent auction bids all go into fuelling the construction of a world class surf wave and the promotion of perfect surf waves every where in the world.
This spring Surf Anywhere will lay prefabricated shapes into the river bed to create a Munich style wave in Alberta, Canada. This wave shape will put Alberta on the map for surfing, grow tourism and industry, and best of all the plans will be shared so landlocked surfers all around the world so they can do the same. The surf culture that will grow out of this event will ensure amazing celebrations that bring together like minded people will continue to thrive in the future.
See you on the 15th and be sure to check out: