Boards bugz-river-surf-board-5-8-fish-swallow-tail-surf-service-graz

Published on September 1st, 2012 | by PhilK


Surf Service Graz Stocks up on River Surf Boards

Surf Service is a surfing gear shop in southern Austria, conveniently located in Graz. Recognizing the growing demand for riversurf-specific gear, they have now exanded their product line to include geniune riversurf boards. Among the new boards are the new NSP 7’2″ and 6’8″ Funboards and Bugz newest fishes.


NSP 7″2′ Funboard

Surf Service lists this board among the riverboards, allthough it would not be my first choice for the river. It’s really a great board, and when I say great, I mean it’s big and heavy, and while it’s great in small shallow waves with lots of whitewater, it’s probably just a little too long for your average river break, as a nose dive on the opposite downslope will become a common ocurrence. Nevertheless, it’s a solid epoxy board, very sturdy, which is good, very good buoyancy, especially for heavy or not so proficient riders.

Technical data:
Mid: 21″
Thick: 2 3/4″
Mat.: Epoxy Sandwich
Fins:  3x FCS
Leash: NSP 8′



NSP 6″8′ FunboardNSP Surf Series 6'8" Funboard

This is probably the best beginner-to-intermediate board for surfing in Graz. Newcomers to the surf scene will appreciate it’s durable Epoxy finish that won’t yield to rocks in and out of the water easily. Flotsam is a constant danger for boards, fins and riders alike, at least with the NSP you won’t have to worry about a tree or branch abruptly ending your surf session, especially in high-water situations (we all know that’s where the music starts to play). Experts will be surprised at the performance and balance, not too big, not too small. Intermediates will love the forgiving characteristics  and surfability.

Technical data:
Mid: 21″
Thick: 2 7/8″
Mat.: Epoxy Sandwich
Fins:  3x FCS
Leash: NSP 8′


Bugz 6'0" FishBugz 6’0″ Fish Riverboard

Bugz is a relativley new and obscure company it seems. I couldn’t really find alot of information about Bugz at all, except that it seems to be from germany. That being said, they have made a name for themselves in a very short while, producing extremely sturdy and cheap surfboards in all sizes and shapes. This particular example is even labelled as a “riverboard”, not many companies can claim that they have those on sale. And they really are ideal for the river. Build with an E.P.S. core, fibreglass frames and epoxy plating, they can really take a beating, especially when riversurfing, where crawling through shrubbery is a daily occurrence.

This particular fish comes with a squaretail, FCS compatible fins, 54,6 cm width, 7 cm thickness and for whopping 299,- euros, which is quite a bargain if you ask me.



Bugz 5’8″ Fish RiverboardBugz 5'8" Fish

This is more classic fish design than the 6’0″ version, it has a swallowtail, and considering that it’s 2″ shorter than the 6’0 it’s almost the same width and thickness (53 cm and 6 cm respectively). It’s made from the same durable epoxy and features 3 FCS compatible fins.



You can check out Surf Service Graz’ online shop, or if you’re in the neighborhood, just drop by and talk shop with the guys, they really know their stuff!

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Phil was forced to surf the river Mur in Graz / Austria for the first time in 2009 (by PhilB). It was love at first sight. Later they got married. Things have been going downhill ever since. But now Riverbreak has arrived!

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