Published on June 25th, 2018 | by Alex Mauer

River Surfing Board Transfer

When I got to the river I found a tube. It was just laying on the side of the river. Someone left it there and I took it upon myself to try and surf it.

I tried to jump in from the side and drop in from above. The wave wasn’t strong enough to hold the tube.

The transfer is the easy part

Then I wanted to try and do a board transfer onto the river wave. The transfer is the easy part. Getting onto the wave with two boards was really hard. A board transfer doesn’t count if you don’t paddle onto the wave with the boards yourself.

Finally after a few tries I got onto the wave and made it happen!

I ended my surf session on an inflatable surfboard. It surfs so well from rail to rail for an inflatable. I never have to worry about dinging it up or anything! One of the best investments in my quiver!

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Alex Mauer

When I was 12 my dad gave me a boogie board. He told me to go play in the river next to his apartment. I have been playing in the water and helping pioneer the river surfing scene in Colorado ever since. I have a bucket list of waves I want to surf around the world! I love to play in the water and will try and surf anything! Surfing is surfing no matter what you are riding, short board, long board, SUP, boogie board, pool toys, lunch trays ... you name it I will try and surf it!

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