Wave Construction Riverbreak Magazine

Published on August 23rd, 2015 | by RB Team

Photo by Riverbreak Magazine |  2

A Scientific View on River Wave Construction

In a recent article published in the journal “Zukunft Forschung” (Science Future), Prof. Aufleger from the University of Innsbruck explains the engineering measures required for a river wave to function. This article is an interesting and easy-to-read piece for every river surfer who wants to learn more on how stationary waves actually form.

The balance of headwater and tailwater is what matters in river wave construction.

By giving a basic introduction into river hydraulics, Prof. Aufleger emphasises the importance of the fine balance between headwater and tailwater. If this balance has not been calculated precisely, the formation of a river wave is likely to fail. Here, fine-tuning is absolute key to create surfable river waves. To account for the naturally varying levels of headwater and tailwater, Prof. Aufleger teamed up with the company “Dreamwave” and proposed an adjustable river wave system. Recently, Prof. Aufleger has been involved in a number of feasibility studies and assumes that the implementation of the “Dreamwave” concept in a larger project is only a matter of time.

Learn more on the basics of river wave construction and read the full article here.

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The editorial team of Riverbreak is a loose connection of passionate river surfers. As a group, we strive to give the larger community a voice on an international level – our mission is to connect river surfers around the globe.

  • gordon bradley

    any translation of the article available?

    • http://riverbreak.com/ Riverbreak Magazine

      We’re afraid there is no translation of the article. Maybe an online translation service might do the trick? May be worth a try…

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