Wave Construction Riverbreak

Published on January 13th, 2015 | by PhilB

Photo by Riverbreak |  4

The Future of River Surfing: Barreling Waves

Have you ever dreamed of surfing a barreling river wave? It will be possible sooner than you might think! We are beyond stoked to give you a first glimpse into what to expect from Elijah Mack’s and Ben Nielsen’s effort to build a wave that we’ve long been dreaming of.

During the first week of Dec 2014 Elijah Mack (fresH20 Consulting) flew to Denver Colorado to meet up with Benjamin Nielsen from McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group. Their mission was to built the perfect river wave. The combination proved to be groundbreaking. Eli’s and Ben’s work in the lab will forever change the way river waves are built.

This is going to change the way ocean surfers think about river waves.

Truly perfect surfing waves in rivers are no longer a dream. What once was thought to be only doable in wave pools with pumped waves or artificial indoor wave machines will soon be implemented in an actual river. A number of publications around the world will cover their story in depth throughout 2015. We at Riverbreak are proud to give the world this first brief look at the future of surfing. Check out the first video of the barreling river wave right here on Riverbreak.

More on fresH20

Elijah Mack’s fresH20 Consulting is dedicated to innovative concepts, designs, materials and craftsmanship devoted to the advancement of river surfing. You can get in touch with them at their at fresH20 website or simply hit Eli on the phone at #503-754-4764.

Elijah Mack and Benjamin Nielsen designing the perfect river wave.

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Phil is a passionate riversurfer based in the capital of urban hydro power, Graz / Austria. He graduated from the International University for Riversurfing (IUR) in 2008 before he got married (to PhilK) in 2009. Instead of children, they gave birth to the probably most awesome riversurfing magazine on the planet: Riverbreak.

  • http://www.idahoriversports.com/ Idaho River Sports

    Cool…. The Boise River Park wave was developed by McLaughlin and has been a test bed for advancements. We’re excited to see Elijah collaborating on what’s next!

    • http://riverbreak.com/ Riverbreak Magazine

      Yes, what McLaughlin has built in Boise was groundbreaking and inspiring for a large number of other projects. The wave shaper is one of the most innovative approaches to build river waves and we’d love to see more of them spreading around the world. Aloha Idaho!

  • David Womack

    Awesome news this is very exciting. Next step….BUILD!

    • http://riverbreak.com/ Riverbreak Magazine

      Yes, can’t wait to see this beast in full scale in a river. We keep you posted where about the first barreling river wave will be build …

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