
Events Citywave / Rudi Wyhlidal

Published on September 17th, 2017 | by RB Team

Photo by Citywave / Rudi Wyhlidal |  0

2017 Austrian Championships: All Results

Vienna was the place to be for getting a glimpse of the most talented river surfers in Austria. The Austrian Championships in Stationary Wave Riding 2017 are over, here all all results. Congrats to the winners and everyone who participated in the event!


1. Lukas Haigermoser
2. Daniel Brunnhuber
3. Paul Steindl


1. Eva Loach
2. Kathrin Gappmayr
3. Christina Minimayr


1. Markus Wimhölzl
2. Manuel Burger
3. Daniel Prattinger


1. Diego Mangold
2. Fabian Steindl
3. Emily Eichberger

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