2023 River Surf Summit – The Official Program
This year, the European River Surf Summit will take place between October 20th and 23rd on the Štvanice Island in Prague. The Vlny Štvanice River Surfing Assocation hosts the event and invited a great selection of speakers to the event. Unfortunately, there ist only limit space in the venue, so the event is for invited participants only. Here is the full program – enjoy!
Friday, Oct 20th 2023
Evening / Night Ride
Party “soft version”
Saturday, Oct 21st
7:30 – 9:00 Morning surf session for summit participants
9:30 Intro:
Key note speech (Janne Paul Schmidt / Martin Leskovjan)
10:00 Laurent Sublet – Engineer and Epinal constructor, Hydrostadium
„Hydrostadium wave development and projects“
10:30 – Discussion:
Memberships, community, operating days per year, how to financially survive
Moderator: Julie Hučíková – showcase of our numbers at the beginning
11:00 Matyáš Menšík – Czech Leagues / cups
Discussion: Local / international competitions
“Future contests (e.g. club competition, european riversurfing championship)”
11:15 River surfing as professional sport
Moderator: Antonio Hybner
11:45 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Meier-Staude
“Layout and design of River Waves”
13:30 Discussion
How to pick a spot for a wave and not annoy officials and the community?
River administration / municipality relationships
Moderator: Lenka Ptáčková
14:00 Diploma Engineer Josef Bauer – Engineer / Čunovo wave constructor
“Norms, liability and the hurdles of hydropower”
14:30 Discussion – Safety and legal responsibility
Moderator: Martin Leskovjan
15:00 Lasse Bauer – Engineer Dreamwave
“Flexibility, the key to Building waves in natural rivers“
15:30 Discussion – Technical possibilities, trends and costs of new waves (after Lasse – Dreamwave)
Moderator: Paul (How to remove debris/bed load, minimal invasive technologies)
16:00 Remotely Neil Egsgard – founder of Surfanywhere
„Simple waves and safe tailwater“
16:30 Final Discussion: Cookbook and examples (SurfAnywhere example) and future of the network.
17:30 Surf Session
19:00 Dinner
Night Ride Surfing
Party “strong version”
Sunday, Oct 22nd
9:30 – 11:00 Morning surf session for summit participants
seal morgan
http://riverbreak.com/ Riverbreak Magazine