Riot River 2016 – Slovak Open River Surfing Championships
Be there or be square: This year’s Riot River will take place at Areal Divoka Voda in Cunovo, August 20. The main competition starts on Saturday at 11am.
- Registered surfers can practice on Friday, 19th
- Schedule of the event can be downloaded here
- Schedule of the river surfing competition on Saturday 20th can be downloaded here
- Schedule might be adjusted according to the number of registered surfers
Each surfer must register to take part in the contest. Deadline for registrations is August 20, 10am . The registration fee of 15 Euro must be paid in cash at the surfhouse above the wave. The registration entitles the surfers to enter the wave for 3 days and includes free entrance to the concerts during the Riot River event.
The Judging criteria can be downloaded here.
Three international judges will be choosing the best surfers.
Due to the shallow wave we recommend the FCS G-X fins with a fin length of 10cm. The surface of the wave has been adjusted so that plugs are safe.
Please book your accommodation in advance as the rooms at the resort are being booked out quickly. The registered surfers will get a 10% discount at the hotel or bungalows of the resort. For more Information click here. Camping at the resort is for free for everyone!
Register here
+421 905 170 158