River Surf League 2021 Tour
10 Barrel Brewing company, normally known for their tasty brew and mountain bike races is stoked on River Surfing. 10 Barrel wanted to do a river surf festival, but Covid sucks and what better way to raise the level of riding in these weird times than a virtual surf contest with prizes. Get your homies and filming crew and be the first to bust a kick flip in the river on film in Colorado. Get out there and surf from May 14th through July 31st!
River Surf League 2021 Tour
Colorado River Waves
May 14th – July 31st, 2021
Record yourself riding the waves and sending tricks. Upload videos via the Activity Feed (as many times as you like). Your best submissions will count towards awards. Also, when you submit a video, you’ll unlock cool perks from local retailers. Judges will review, score, and award prizes throughout the course of the competition.
What is the River Surf League 2021 Tour?
10 Barrel Brewing is proud to present the River Surf League 2021 Tour. River Surf League is a “virtual” river surfing competition where you compete against one another and raise the stoke of river surfing in Colorado. A portion of registration fees benefits the Colorado River Surfing Association a 501(c)3 non-profit.
How does it work?
- Enter any or all of the divisions you’d like to surf.
- Get out there and surf from May 14th through July 31st!
- Record yourself riding the waves and sending tricks.
- Upload videos via the Activity Feed (as many times as you like). Your best submissions will count towards awards
- Also, when you submit a video, you’ll unlock cool perks from local retailers.
- Judges will review, score, and award prizes throughout the course of the competition.
Video submissions
- Submit your videos as .mov files
- Please keep them to about 1 minute long
- Make sure they don’t include copyrighted music
- Please keep them socially acceptable (G-rated if at all possible for language)
Are you Judging me?
Yes. Judging will be based on the following categories:
- Best Wave – Girl Groms (<18 years old)
- Best Wave – Boy Groms (<18 years old)
- Best Wave – Women (18+ years old)
- Best Wave – Men (18+ years old)
- Longboard
- Bodyboard
Special Judging Categories
“KICKFLIP” – No one has pulled this off in the Colorado River Scene yet!!!
“BEST TRICK” – Sendy McSenderson #ftw
“BEST WILSON”- aka best fall (FYI: intentional endangerment/injury does not qualify)
“ROOKIE AWARD”- First timers only. Show us sticking your first full ride.
“BEST IMPROVED”- Surfer who submits several videos and gets better the best over the competition.
“OLD FARTS” (50+ Women & Men)
“MOST ARTISTIC VIDEO”- Most visually appealing to watch.
“WAVE HUNTER”- Person who got the best ride on an unknown wave.
“BEST FAN”- Person who cheered on other in video(s).
“BEST RIVER SURFING STEWARD”- People supporting the river surfing scene be it pickup trash, chase down a board, help someone out in need while in the river, etc.
The Small (but important) Print:
- Surf within ability
- Surf with safety gear
- Know before you go (check river flows and hazards)
- Surf with others
- Have fun & Send it!
Which Waves? Here you go!
South Platte
Miracle Wave
Reynolds Landing
Union Chutes
River Run Park
Beaver Wave
16th Street Wave
Trestle Wave
Dave’s Wave
Clear Creek
Arkansas River
Buena Vista Park
Canyon Doors
Salida Park
Florence River Park
Pueblo Park
Uncompahgre River
Montrose Park
Animas River
Durango Town Waves
Eagle River
Eagle Whitewater Park
Colorado River
Pumphouse Wave
Glenwood Wave
Big Sur
Lucky 7
Las Colonias
5th St Wave (GJ)
Bonus points
Send us photos and videos of your kit and race attempts. Tag it #RiverSurfLeague and #10barrel on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or whatever you use to communicate with those in the know. Or message us using the blue help bubble in the lower right corner on each page of this site. The coolest and most creative submissions will get bonus prizes.
Check out the link for more details: riversurfleague.me