Rock Surf Camp, Čunovo
Rock Surf Camp — Friday, 5 July 2013
The premiere of an unprecedented all-day sports and punk rock event will be held on July 5th 2013 at the Whitewater Park in Čunovo, Slovakia. Starting at 10am, there’ll be river surfing courses on the artificial wave led by Maroš Nemec, and other Slovak and international river surfers are going to pull out some of their best tricks.
Further attractions include wakeboarding, wakesurfing, SUP and white water rafting, with the possibility to rent a jet ski, SUP and Demon river surfboards. Throughout the day, DJs will spin the hottest beats before the live music side of the event starts at 7pm, featuring Lucifers, From Our Hands, Ramones Bratislava and the legendary Slovak punk band Zone A. Best of all: admission to the event is free!
Visit the Facebook event page for more on the first Rock Surf Camp at Čunovo:
See the following sites for more on the event