Communities Jens Schumann

Published on January 26th, 2018 | by RB Team

Photo by Jens Schumann |  0

River Wave Crowdfundig: Help Make Surfing Wolfratshausen Happen!

Ever wondered how to raise funds for a river wave project? Well, a group of surfers from Wolfratshausen have recently started a river wave crowdfunding campaign to raise 20,000 Euros for a wave in Germany.

The goal of the wave project in Wolfratshausen is to create an adjustable river wave that can react to the fluctuating discharge levels of the river Loisach. Also, the wave shape should satisfy the needs of both beginners and advanced river surfers.

The group has already conducted a feasibility study and identified the perfect spot for their wave at the Weidachmühle. What’s missing now are 20,000 Euros to realise the project. The total project costs are estimated at EUR 320k, whereby EUR 100k would be contributed by the local council, another EUR 200k may be raised by EU funds (LEADER Programme).

The city’s mayor is supporting the project and considers this wave a fantastic addition to the current water sport opportunities in the city. Moreover, he highlights that river surfing is a sustainable, climate-friendly sport and that this growing sport would also boost the city’s reputation.

Why Should I Back This Project?

If you live in or around Wolfratshausen, you can help make this happen! Why wasting your money on surfing 1 hour on an expensive power-hungry artificial wave if you could pay once and surf forever … on a river wave?! Back this project at:

Campaign Video

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