Published on January 17th, 2015 | by RB Team

River Surfing Trestle Wave: Elijah Mack and Kevin Ludwig

This is Elijah Mack and his friend Kevin Ludwig river surfing the Trestle Wave on Deschutes River in Oregon. Kevin is one of the local pioneers in Oregon and founder of the Oregon River Surfing
Association (ORSA). The global pendant, the World River Surfing Association (WRSA) was founded by Elijah Mack a couple of years back when the sport of river surfing was at its very earliest stages. We can’t wait to see how the ongoing development of the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance Colorado Dam Reconstruction project will create new opportunities for river surfers in Oregon. We will keep you posted on the project, so check back soon.

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RB Team

The editorial team of Riverbreak is a loose connection of passionate river surfers. As a group, we strive to give the larger community a voice on an international level – our mission is to connect river surfers around the globe.

  • flowizgood .

    What I can’t figure out is how they got to that little island. (Looks like Elijah’s coat is dry.) Nice wave.

    • Elijah Mack

      Dry Bag. :) It is freezing. So once we get to the island I bust out the sweatshirt and coat while I’m not in the water. I even bring some thick snowboard type pants so my legs stay warm .

      • Riverbreak Magazine

        Neat idea with the dry bag — thanks for the tip Eli!

        • flowizgood .

          Drybag! Yeah, I have one of those. Good idea!

          Another question, if you don’t mind: did you walk down that talus slope on the north side and paddle across from the large rock face upstream? Looks like you could come up around the slacker water/eddy on the back side of that rock fronting the island. Might be tricky with high flows, I imagine.

          I’ll watch for you this Summer at Colorado Street. I think you will pretty easy to spot: the guy who got it dialed in right away. :0)


          • Elijah Mack

            I hike down from the north side and paddle out from under the trestle. At lower flows u can paddle back up. Higher flows u float down stream and take our about a 1/2 mile down. Or u can float down and take out just past the island on the south side and hike back up and over the trestle..careful of the train. :) Aloja

  • flowizgood .


  • Riley Gardner

    what flow is usually good for this beauty?

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