Max Neuböck – Running a Surf Shop in the Alps
We chatted with Max, one of NU.ART’s founders, about where he likes to surf, what inspired him to open a surf shop, how NU.ART supports the local riversurf community and what his plans are for the future.
Maximilian Neuböck, NU.ART Surfstuff | Home town: Ebensee, Austria
Where in Ebensee / Salzkammergut do you catch waves and what is your favourite spot?
There are several spots which you can surf if there’s high water, but all of them are kept secret by the locals ;)
Who are the people behind NU.ART?
Basically, NU.ART is owned and run by two people: By myself and Stephanie Neuböck. If you’re interested, have a look at the about section on our shop website to learn more about us.
At NU.ART we are all riversurfers, that’s where our knowledge comes from.
When and how did you get the idea to start a surf shop in the alps?
I started riversurfing about 7 years ago. Ever since this moment it has always been really difficult for me to source good surf equipment – landlocked countries are not really blessed with a lot of surf shops. I realised that I was not the only surfer who had troubles with getting the right equipment. Last autumn, after I graduated from high school, the idea of running my own surf shop got more concrete and with a lot of support from my family I started to build up the surf shop which eventually went online a couple of weeks ago.
Why “NU.ART” … what’s the idea behind the name?
If you read NU.ART backwards it means Traun – that’s the name of the river that runs through my hometown Ebensee.
Does your shop specialise in riversurfing?
Yes, you can see it if you take a look at our range of surf boards. With NSP and Bugz more than 50% of our surfboards are especially made for riversurfing.
Why is your shop interesting for riversurfers?
Because we can help them with every question – not only about material, gears and products but also about surf-related topics such as safety and surfspots! Another thing that makes us and our shop interesting is our own experience with riversurfing – it’s what we do ourselves, that’s where our knowledge comes from.
Which stuff do riversurfers need most often / urgently?
Fins, definitely!
What makes NU.ART different from other surf shops?
Although we are an online shop, we really want to get in touch with our customers and be the place to come to for ALL KIND of surfing issues. Riversurfers and people interested in river surfing can ask us every sort of question: what kind of surfboard they need, which wetsuit they should get and where they can go riversurfing around their hometown. Of course, we’re also happy to give advice where to go for a surftrip.
Are you planning to include small, local brands into your product range as well?
Yes, we would really like to include local brands, as we care a lot about where the stuff we sell is produced and that our products are of high quality. We already have some ideas which local brands we want to include into our existing product range in the near future.
What is your favourite product at NU.ART?
The Change Mat/Wet Bag from FCS! It’s perfect for a surf on rainy days when it’s muddy and you don’t want your wetsuit to get dirty.
How does NU.ART support the local riversurf community?
There is a river surf club in our area – Rivermates Surfclub Salzkammergut – and NU.ART supports the surf club with a special discount on our entire range of products. Additionally, we sponsor their events to help providing a great surfing experiences to both surfers and non-surfing people.
Could you imagine to sponsor a NU.ART riversurf team?
Yes, definitely! If there are people who are passionate about their sport and about what they do they should be supported!
Are you an online shop only? Can we hope for a NU.ART store?
Actually, we are more than an online shop already! If people need individual advice they will get it – no matter when, where and about what. For opening a store it is too early, but we would love to have a NU.ART surf shop in town one day. We will be working hard on it and hope for a lot of support from our customers.
With your first buy on NU.ART surfstuff you will get a 20% discount on your next purchase.
People love discounts and goodies — what’s your best deal / special offer?
At the moment we have a special opening offer: with your first buy on NU.ART surfstuff you will get a 20% discount on your next purchase! But that’s of course not all – we have more specials coming up, so stay tuned and make sure to check our website!
What are your future plans?
One of our big goals is to build one or more stationary river waves, so Austrian surfers have more possibilities to follow their passion. And as already mentioned before we aim for being not only a shop for surfstuff but rather – a place where surfers can turn to with any kind of surf-related questions, problems and wishes. To make sure we fulfill that is definitely high up on our future plans.
Any last words?
“Happiness is real only when shared.” — Alexander Supertramp.
Surfing … makes you feel free
Rivers … are our friends
Travel … enriches our personality
Localism … SUCKS!!
Friends … are more important than money
Lifestyle … everyone should be able to choose his/her own
Get in Touch with NU.ART sufstuff
Horst Neuböck e.U.
NU.ART surfstuff
Bahnhofstraße 37
4802 Ebensee / AUSTRIA