The Perfect Path – The Quest for the Fountain of Life
Let me begin by quoting two of the greatest scientific and spiritual minds of the modern world, Paul Levy and Nicola Tesla:
“Quantum theory is not just one of many theories in physics; it is the one theory that has profoundly affected nearly every other branch of physics. There is hardly an aspect of contemporary society or of our own individual lives that has not already been fundamentally transformed by the ideas and applications of quantum physics. One third of our economy involves products based on quantum mechanics – things such as computers and the Internet, lasers, MRI’s, TV’s, DVD’s, CD’s, microwaves, electron microscopes, mobile phones, transistors, silicon chips, semiconductors, quartz and digital watches, superconductors and nuclear energy. And yet, even with the huge impact quantum physics has had on all of our lives, this effect is infinitesimally small compared with what it will be when more of us recognize and internalize the implications of what it is revealing to us about the nature of reality as well as of ourselves” – Paul Levy.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” – Nicola Tesla
When one does not love themselves how can they love others. In the modern world it takes work to love one’s self. My favorite teacher is Louise L. Hay who just left this earth recently but what she shared with the world will carry on for as long as humans desire to heal their hearts. The only way to break the cycle of fear is to learn to love yourself, this is not a selfish act but rather a selfless act because once you understand how to forgive, accept and love yourself only then can you be of service to others. I stand in front of the mirror everyday, I see tattoos that say things like “Revenge” “Fuck You & Die” “Pay Backs A Bitch”. These ugly messages are laced into a patchwork of skulls and demons and other images of death and destruction. I see all the scars scattered across my body. I see the misshapen body parts from broken bones that never healed properly. But when I look past those parts of me and I stare into my eyes, I see the beautiful gaze of my mother staring back at me. I see my father’s kind smile. I see all the love they felt for me and I realize I am not a demon. I am a human being. I am a child of God. I am alive so there is still hope. And I speak out loud these words. “I love you. I forgive you. I accept you.”
It’s important to see the big picture here. Everything is made from waves. You are made from waves. Would you rather be a freezing cold blown out 1ft beach break mush burger or a tropically warm 10ft glassy perfectly tubing point break? Quantum physics is proving we create our reality with our thoughts. So make sure your mind body and soul are healthy and whole.
I believe my work related to wave-pool technology to be of greater spiritual importance than the massive impact it will have on the recreational pastime of surfing, it was acutely inspired by. I do not believe it is a coincidence the Hawaiian’s created both, surfing, the sport of kings and the word, Aloha, the most expansive word in any human language expressing the infinitely describable force we call love. This spirit of love resides in all human beings, as it is fundamental to our reality but it was the Hawaiian’s connection to riding waves that gave them the ability to quantify this “Aloha” spirit with a single word.
If I told you I can build a better wave-pool than any in existence today using a donut you would say I was either delusional or high as fuck.
Almost 20 years ago I told the world that there were perfect waves in rivers all over the planet and the future of surfing would one day be on these rivers. Well, the world is still catching up to my delusional ass but if you google “river surfing” you will see that people are starting to surf on rivers all over the planet.
It’s really stupid to build a wave pool in a mall and it’s just as stupid to build a wave-park into a natural segment of a river.
I’ve always said that for river surfing to truly explode we need to build perfect river waves integrated into the world dam infrastructure. It’s really stupid to build a wave pool in a mall and it’s just as stupid to build a wave-park into a natural segment of a river.
Well over the past 6 years as I sought to heal my soul, a very odd thing happened. I was blessed with the ability to channel the world’s most advanced wave-pool technology. I wasn’t trying to figure out how to build waves, I was trying to figure out how to rebuild my life and my family. So many truths can be found in this wave function from the simple symmetry of our breath, one of our most powerful tools to calibrate our life with the universe, to understanding the karmic law that governs everything. So yeah, I am telling you I can and I still hold out with great hope that I will build the world’s best wave-pool out of a fucking donut, but more importantly, I’m telling you everything is connected and you better realize there is a God. God’s name is Love, you can’t find it in a book and you don’t spell it with letters, you spell it will numbers.
These numbers are 3-6-9.
I do not have the patience to write out all the seemly impossible coincidences that surround the development of The Fountain of Life wave-tech, as they are vast in number. I only use the word coincidence to illustrate that I do not believe in such a thing. The correct word is synchronicity, coined by Carl Yung. I believe it’s when our perspective is clear enough to sync with the fabric of the universe, we get a glimpse of the universal connection that binds everything. But because writing isn’t my strength and I have labored for far longer than I’d like share just to get out the following article, I have chosen to leave out so many of these moments of synchronicity that have shaped my life and focused on just a few that were profound to say the least. I will share an example of this phenomenon in relation to the man, who I believe to be the greatest scientific & spiritual mind of the modern world, Nicola Tesla. One of the landmark moments related to his work came just after his death, when the US supreme court reversed a patent awarded to an Italian inventor for radio transmission that was stolen from Tesla’s work and the court awarded the patent to Tesla. The number of the US supreme court decision was #369. This is just one of many numerical anomalies related to Tesla’s life. Tesla’s body of work to this day is the backbone of modern technology.
I will build the world’s best wave-pool out of a fucking donut.
It was July 16th, 2016, I was 46 years old, I had just sealed a handshake deal earlier in the day with Bob McKnight, founder of Quiksilver to design a standing wave machine for him and his business partner in a venture to bring wave machines to the non coastal areas of America. That morning I had flown into San Diego from Chicago where I was the main-stage educator at a major barbering trade show, I had been jet setting around the country for the past 2 years working as one of the most sought-after educators in the industry, dating a plethora of young beautiful hairstylists from NYC to San Francisco and all points between, I also was killing half a liter of Vodka before 10am just to keep pace with my fast and lose lifestyle.
I thought I was in control and the universe had other plans in store for my life.
Arriving in San Diego I rented a black Mercedes Benz and drove to my lifelong best friend Louis Hayward’s home in Carlsbad. Lou founded INT soft-boards and revolutionized the soft-top surfboard industry when he created the Blackball Beater soft-board. Lou is also one of the most respected and connected individuals in the surf industry and a close friend and confidant of Bob McKnight. Lou also has been my biggest supporter in both my river surfing and my wave design endeavors and had set up three separate meetings with Bob over the past three years, so I could present my ideas on wave design and building wave-parks into the world’s dam infrastructure. I dropped my bags off at Lou’s and set out to pick up $15,000 that was waiting for me at another friend’s home. I’ll omit why that money was waiting for me but it wasn’t related to hair or waves.
Just before driving up to meet with Bob. This photo is of Lou myself and Lou’s younger brother Daniel. Danny is possible the best surfer to ever come out of Oceanside but he could stomach the industry so he walked away from it all. Danny and Lou are my two longest standing best friends in my life. These men have stood behind me the entire way, supporting me in my darkest days.
I met Lou an hour later and we drove up for our meeting with Bob and his business partner … I forget his name and the name of the golf company he owned. The two prior meetings with Bob consisted of me scribbling shit on napkins about my wave designs, while explaining why building waves below dams was the real future of artificial waves and how it would rapidly take the sport of surfing across the landlocked portions of the globe, this meeting was only different for the fact that I didn’t scribble anything at all, I just told Bob I could easily design the type of wave-machine they were asking for, it was a very basic design, nothing like what I wanted to build but who in their right mind would say no to an opportunity like this? I looked at it like this would open the door for me to convince Bob of the bigger DAM picture.
I just told Bob I could easily design the type of wave-machine they were asking for
The drive back to Carlsbad was surreal. Here I was … this oddball outcast who had never fit into the surf industry or the greater surf culture for that matter, in-fact since my early teen years I had been very vocal about my distain for the majority of the surf culture with the exception of the Hawaiian surf culture, which is ironic because so many people have the impression that Hawaii is a heavy place where localism is out of control, which couldn’t be further from the truth, in reality Hawaii is the only place in the world that you can paddle out at the most localized breaks like Third Dip or Makaha Point on Oahu’s Westside and not be met with immediate unprovoked aggression by the locals, and if you keep your mouth shut, understand the pecking order and wait patiently in the channel, more often than not one of the locals will call you into a wave eventually … and you better make it or at least give a valiant effort or you probably won’t get another shot in that session. In Hawaii, you are always given a chance to show you can conduct yourself with respect and if you do, you will be treated with respect. The majority of the rest of the surfing world isn’t as civil as our Hawaiian counterparts.
And by the time of this third meeting with Bob I had even become an outcast in the sport of river surfing but that’s a story of it’s own to vast to touch on here.
So I was fully blown away by what had just transpired an hour earlier, I was about to reshape the wave-pool industry with Bob backing my work. I even got to meet one of my favorite surfers of all-time, Mickey Nielsen that day at the Quicksilver headquarters. I was walking on water.
Pipeline is the crown jewel of Oahu’s North Shore and Mickey Nielsen is one of the hardest charging locals ever to surf the spot. He was one of my favorite surfers when I was a youth and his casual style in big heavy surf was a huge influence on my style. So when we walked out of the meeting and Mickey came strolling down the hall and Bob introduced Lou and I, it was the icing on the cake to end our day at Quicksilver headquarters.
I was about to reshape the wave-pool industry with Bob backing my work.
That night after our meeting, I went out on the town, my hometown, Oceanside, CA. A place where I had been through all of the school district’s continuation schools, in and out of jail, homeless and very much at odds with the emerging surf industry community in Oceanside, as my hometown became a hub for board builders, clothing brands and surf magazines. I wasn’t the clean cut bubbly blonde surfer dude who said “rad” and “stoked”. I didn’t fit in with the surf culture at all. But now here I was back home wearing my proverbial glass slippers. The prodigal son had come home. I rolled out with that $15k stuffed in my pockets, flashing that cash like a trophy wife shows off her new boob job and her fat ass diamond wedding ring. I was rolling from club to club in the black Benz , bumping Sean Price full blast, I even got invited up on stage at the comedy club because the comedian was fascinated by the fact I had so much cash stuffed in my pockets which was intentionally and pridefully on full display when I’d pull it out to buy drinks. I was so fucking full of myself it seems unreal now as I look back in time. I thought I had life by the balls.
I really thought I was a rich man but in reality I was spiritually and emotionally bankrupt.
Then at 11:11pm as I was driving back to my hotel, I received a text from my ex-wife, it was a mugshot of my 19yr old son, who had never been in any trouble in his life, he had just graduated high school a few weeks earlier. At first I figured it was something petty, something minor, something stupid, something a teenager would do, drunk in public or busted with a little weed or at worst a DUI. My mind couldn’t adjust at first as my eyes focused on the three charges below his mugshot. 1. Attempted Murder- 2. First Degree Robbery – 3. First Degree Assault. My son had shot another man in a drug deal gone wrong. At that moment in time everything that had just held great value to me a few seconds prior became worthless. At that moment everything changed. I walked away from everything that night, the deal with Bob whom I still haven’t spoken with since our meeting, my career in hair and all the fame it brought me and all the money it made me. I left it all behind.
I embarked on an almost three-year journey to heal my family and change who I was.
This was one month prior to Chance’s crime and arrest.
The only thing more unbelievable than the fact that a high school drop out and total fuck up could be responsible for the world’s most advanced wave-pool technology, is the story behind how I acquired this technical knowledge.
It is clear now that the first spark of my vision for what would later become The Fountain of Life wave-pool was in late Sept 2000 … possibly Sept 21st, but I didn’t mark the date … in Phoenix, AZ when I experienced the epiphany that reshaped my surfing life and ignited my river surfing quest, I realized as I stared at a canal with small wave in it, that there were standing waves breaking on the rivers across the world. My second “moment of clarity” was on my first trip to Skookumchuck Narrows which occurred the moment I was sucked into a whirlpool just behind the main wave, That day, Sept 21st, 2003, was one of the most impactful of my life. When I surfaced from the hold down, I instantly knew something major had transpired and was terrified a tragedy had befallen one of my young sons. I drove all night from BC back to Eugene, too scared to call home to ask about my children’s welfare. When I arrived home, I would find out that my step-father had died the day prior and his time of death was during the time period I was sucked into the whirlpool.
On my second trip to Skookumchuck I saw the Tubesteak wave form up. I finally rode the Tubesteak wave on my fourth trip, July 5th 2005. What can I say about Skook? It’s a very special place to me. I went there a dozen times from 2003 thru 2007. It changed my life.
What made this experience so impactful was the fact that my beloved cousin Troy Mclure was killed on sept 21st 2001. Troy and my step dad were two peas in a pod, both big bears of men and both gentle giants and they were very close with each other. It was at Troy’s funeral that my step dad would challenge me to move beyond my selfish ways, resulting in a physical altercation between him and me, which compelled me to drive to Eugene, OR where I would first end up homeless and then rebuild my life, leading up to my Skookumchuck trip. As I stated at the start, there are far to many coincidences to list in this article but the date Sept 21st was one of the first to wake me up to the fact that everything is connected. I was waking up to the fact that God speaks to us through synchronicity.
Up until April 2019 I had believed my vision for wave design had spontaneously emerged just after my mother’s death in 2013, which was the pivotal event that kicked my vision into overdrive, but now I see these other experiences played major roles also.
My spatial visualization ability is the result of a rare mental disorder called Acquired Savant Syndrome which was triggered by my mother’s death. All other known cases, only about 100 worldwide, are the result of either a rare type of dementia or a traumatic brain injury, mine is the only known case triggered by a traumatic emotional experience.
My vision first presented itself on Sept 21st, 2013 … there is that date again … a few months after her death while watching the film “Thrive” when I was exposed to the great Torus. And if you are not aware of the Torus I suggest you google it right away.
My concepts would attract the attention of Ben Neilsen & Rick McGluaghlin of MWDG, they flew out to meet with me in Portland, Oregon to discuss my work in person. This meeting lead to MWDG hiring my consulting firm, fresH2O, to work on the scale modeling of the South Platte River-park project located just outside of Denver, CO. The main objective I was brought onboard for, was to create a barreling river wave. I achieved this goal. The work was covered by Riverbreak and the Portland Monthly and at the time was revolutionary in the world of river-wave engineering.
“It became very apparent that he had valid ideas granted super outside the box. Eli’s concepts are robust – they are complex and radical, but also make sense.” – Ben Nielsen
Ben had this to say about my work: “I’ve known Elijah for years. What can I say, he is an icon in river surfing. When you’ve surfed as many waves as he has it’s not surprising that he understands waves, he feels waves. Rick and I flew out and met with Elijah in Portland a few years ago and we geeked out on waves for a couple days. It became very apparent that he had valid ideas granted super outside the box. We thought, “with our expertise in waves over the past two decades combined with the creative ideas Elijah has, we just might come up with something truly special”. Sometimes you just have to follow your instincts. That’s just what we did bringing Elijah into the lab. The level of wave progression that happened over that week at CSU was amazing. My guess is there has never been a week in wave design that had moved river surfing further into the future. Elijah approaches wave design very intuitively. You can see him drawing on the hundreds of waves and thousands of rides he has had all over the world when he works in the lab. Eli’s concepts are robust – they are complex and radical, but also make sense. I think many of the concepts will take some time to dial in and get built in their purest form, but we are already integrating many aspects into current designs. Surfers are demanding newer better waves MWDG and fresH2O are going to meet and exceed these expectations. It’s an exciting time to be design surf waves.” -Ben Nielsen
After this work at CSU, I did some work developing a strategy for MWDG to market river wave-parks designed for surfers but there wasn’t much follow though from MWDG and any hopes of building perfect waves fell by the wayside.
Now fast forward to July 16th, 2017, one year after my sons’s arrest and my meeting with Bob. I am living out of my car in SF, broke, depressed, barely holding on to my touch with reality and on the verge of making a YouTube video to share my wave design concepts with the world so they didn’t vanish from the world, as I was wishing for death to end my despair at what my life and my family had become. On that day exactly one year after the meet and arrest, I received a call from Lou telling me about how he had just met a woman who was putting together a project for Lockheed Martin to be funded by their Moonshot division, a branch of the company that funds next generation technology, basically the most radical and different technologies out there. The project was to build a wave-pool on camp Pendleton military base with the purpose to provide soldiers with a surfing experience that she believed would help them heal and process the mental/emotional/physical issues(PTSD) related to their exposure to war. Ironically, Oceanside, the town I grew up in is the port city for Camp Pendleton.
The woman Lou had met is Kate McKinnon, she works with MIT and the US Navy to list just a few, she is a “solver”, which just means she is someone who figures out how to overcome really serious problems. Kate would become my greatest mentor; she didn’t offer me direct insight into designing wave-pools, but she would show me what it was that I was seeing in my head. I was seeing the same things that her life-partner, Charles Chase, head of the Revolutionary Technologies Laboratory of the Skunk Works division at Lockheed Martin, saw in his head related to his primary project, developing nuclear fusion.
LM Skunk Works Divsion. Spending a weekend with Charles Chase, head of The Revolutionary Technologies Laboratory was one of the highlights of my wave designing journey. The same patterns found in the flowing waters of the Fountain of Life have remarkable similarities to the “good wave form” patterns found in the beta plasma physics of the compact fusion generator Charles and his team are working on at LM.
My wave-pool concepts were more closely related to beta-plasma physics than anything to do with surfing, in either the oceans or rivers. I wasn’t seeing wave-pools, I was seeing wave functions in quantum realm. This was the most exciting time of my entire life. I was invited to join Kate and others from Lockheed to ride Kelly Slater’s wave-pool and the Wavegarden wave-pool in Austin Texas after our team’s meeting in early September. Kate was seeking funding for a large facility for the team to work out of in Boston. Life really was surreal. Over the next month her and my emails would open my mind beyond what I ever thought possible. Kate is a full-blown genius, the kind that when you talk to her, you have to wonder if she is talking directly to God inside her head as she is holding verbal conversation with you. I watched her type on her computer with one hand while she was texting on her phone with her other hand, while she held a conversation with one of our team’s project manager. Kate assembled a team of a dozen individuals called the “coherence” team. I was under the impression my role on the team was to be the primary wave designer. And because of “my ability to see in pictures” Kate hoped I could help her team understand the process of “creation” in a way they hadn’t grasped yet.
I wasn’t seeing wave-pools, I was seeing wave functions in quantum realm.
Kate had these things to say about my work: “I’ve been looking for the high-interval people who think in pictures.
I have been asking the Universe for you, because your mind + my mind + the minds of my team can do the “Things”. Through you, because you think in pictures, I can speak to the portion of Creation that right now is a closed door to my people. It’s all too fantastic. I think you see more than I do, actually, because yes, you saw right away how the Hypar can power the Torus. So much to say here. You also intuitively know that there is no such thing as a particle, and why. You are absolutely correct that everything scales, and everything can be represented in waves. If you see a thing that is not perfect at all levels, it is not real, it is not coherent, and if it is math then you know it needs more work. This is much like the problem in physics right now; the Standard Model needs too much tweaking; it doesn’t match what people study in the quantum world. We can help them. I think you are talking about more than just a surfing wave with the T-form, right? You are talking about Wave-In-Balance, the Coherence Wave. Is that right? The wave of creation, the waveform our mind takes when we are in the zone? You, Eli, are brilliant and yes, I am here to teach you our language, and you are here to show me your insights, and they match perfectly, and yes, we will build your wave. I promise you. Soon in fact.” – Kate McKinnon.
A selfie Kate took of her and Charles for me the day before we met in person.They changed my life and blew my mind.
The weekend of Sept 10th 2017 was when the entire team met in Carlsbad, CA. The common thread with the entire team was that everyone in some way or another was experiencing “toroidal force” in their lives. The Sunday of that weekend, I would live through the most profound spiritual experience of my life. I spent the better part of 8 hours in what can only be explained as a non-stop synchronicity. I felt like I was on the very best MDMA ever created but I was stone cold sober. This great ride would come crashing down in a matter of 24 hours. Kate’s project was scrapped for reasons still unknown. But basically, what I thought was about to be a full-time job with great pay designing wave-pools for Lockheed martin all evaporated. Kate says “I suppose I was too revolutionary for Lockheed Martin and they canceled my funding.”
And that was that. The ride closed out.
I would fall into an even greater depression than the one I was in just prior to meeting Kate, hitting one of the lowest point in my life.
Months later, a river surfer and banker, Jeff Banks, from Boise, Idaho would approach me with an offer to fund my wave tech.
Because of this offer I finally sat down to write/draw out a patent for my tech, something I had procrastinated for years. I am not a fan of keyboards or pen and paper. I was a severely dyslexic child with major learning disabilities that placed me in intensive special education throughout my entire years in school and I still find any communication other than verbal to be very strained.
And even though this banker’s support would vanish as unexpectedly … well maybe not unexpectedly, I saw the writing on the wall but I never saw it in contract form … and as bizarrely as the Lockheed Martin deal, I pushed through the process of writing my patent and this is when the biggest breakthroughs came, and the totality of the wave tech would come to light. During this time I spent many hours meditating and fasting, both self-imposed and imposed by my financial situation. I was broke and living in my car but made sure I came up with the 1,500$ to pay for the provisional patent. That was May 11th, 2018.
And so here we are now, May 15th 2019. My material existence has been stripped to the bone, literally, just after I published my provisional patent I had my car broken into and every possession I had left to my name stolen, with the exception of my briefcase that held my computer and all my wave design work. I was so grateful my briefcase was still in the car that I wasn’t really that upset. I also know this process I’m going through is part of the healing I need to achieve. I believe these difficult times will last in so form or another until my son is released from prison. We are both in our own prisons and they are tied together on the quantum level. I’m working in the local 261 laborers union, busting my ass digging ditches, living in shared room in a flop-house apartment in the worst district of San Francisco but I’m working for one of my best friends for a good wage and I’m still strong enough to do the work, I have little barbershop I just opened in Eugene, OR … it’s still costing more to run than it’s bringing money in, and I’m the closest I’ve ever been with my family. I am sober, celibate, focused and full of faith, hope, and love. So even though I’m nowhere near the level of success I was almost 3 years ago, I’m pretty sure I now have a better vision for what success really is and I don’t mind doing what it takes to get there. The key, I believe, is that I understand I created everything I’m experiencing and that I’m now facing my karma and I need to respond to these difficult times with compassion and gratitude. I must do this WORK if I ever want to be a truly positive influence on my family. So …
“It’s not like we grew up in some crazy environment, my dad was the chess club mentor, he didnt smoke weed around us and I’ve seen him get drunk twice in my life, he worked hard and taught us to think for ourselves, he was dedicated. But my dad grew up hard and he had lots of emotional issues. He was super depressed a lot and would get mad easy. But after my brother was aressted he made it his life’s purpose to change who he was, I was with him for the start in SF and I saw what he went through. I admire my dad. It’s a big thing to rewrite who you are.” – Hurricane Mentawai
I am publishing my work and the provisional patent in the public domain with the intention of preventing any individual or company from ownership of this tech. Now …
This tech is the result of faith, hope and love.
This tech is a gift from God inspired by tragedies in my life caused by my neglect and reckless behavior towards life itself and the people I love most. It has been and still is my intention to change myself, to become the change I want to see in the world. This is an ongoing pursuit. This tech is the result of faith, hope and love. This tech is my gift to the world in hopes it will inspire faith, hope and love.
The reason my tech is so unique compared to all other wave tech is because my understanding of fluid dynamics is rooted not in my love of surfing, it is rooted in my desire to shed the ego and align my spirit with God.
I am offering this tech, hoping it will spark a truly open source approach to building waves.
And because this is the superlative wave tech it won’t be long before the world realizes how simple it is to create perfect surf from these basics blueprints I’m offering and that no individual or company should stifle this tech. So hopefully anyone will be able to build it and anyone will be able to profit from it, if they desire, but no one will be able to stop others from using it.
Figure 5 A and B from the provisional patent (PDF).
The Fountain of Life wave generator tech is inspired by many things that have nothing to do with surfing.
While everyone has been drooling over KSWC, the new Waco wave-pool or the new wave garden Cove tech or the plunger wave-pool in Australia, I’ve been banging my head against the wall wondering why I couldn’t even give this tech away. Well the answer is karma. It’s my karmic path to dig ditches while Kelly Slater builds waves. This is no slight to Kelly, when I was getting drunk and running in the streets, he was living a clean focused purpose driven life. So I salute and honor his karmic path and I salute and honor the hard work he has put into developing his wave-pool. But now as I reassert myself into the flow of life as a changed man, I salute and honor my karmic path and my wave pool tech, which will forever change how waves are built and it will reshape every existing wave-pool tech on the market to date.
The Fountain of Life wave generator tech is inspired by many things that have nothing to do with surfing, the I Ching, electro-magnetism, acoustics, karma & the atom to name just a few. The Fountain of Life is more closely related to the “good wave-form” of plasma physics than it is any standard wave-pool tech. I see this flow everywhere and in everything. Open your heart, close your eyes, calm your mind and I promise you will see it too.
The Fountain of Life wave generator is based on the complete mathematical structure of the ‘universal’ wave-form. All other ‘fractional’ wave-forms are derivatives of the universal wave-worm. The blue print for the perfect wave. The ability to start with the whole is the key as the one makes the many in its likeness, if there is any imbalance in the one the imbalance will be magnified in the many and the wave-form cycle will not be “perfect” for surfing or for life.
Sketch of the wave control tech, detailed in the provisional patent (PDF)
The Fountain of Life wave generator forms H2O using a mathematical code, similar to how a musical instrument plays sheet music. The music of divine proportion. Balance. Control. Control of the whole provides the ability to utilize every H2O molecule, which provides optimal energy transference & wave-form structural stability. The ability to create an almost limitless array of waves in real time using a control board or a pre-programed code.
I made this from bike tire inntubes, a toilet plunger, a yoga mat and a fish tank water pump. It was made to offer a visual representation the basic design of the FOL. It wasn’t to scale and wasnt built with the intention of making a proper functioning representation of the FOL three different wave types.
Here is the deal. I am showing the world how to build perfect waves. I am telling the world that there are one million dams across the globe and integrating wave machine into this infrastructure is how we build the brave new surf world. No pumps. No diesel engines. No lawsuits. No bullshit. Just build the best waves possible. And love each other, just be kind, love each other and everything else will fall into place. It’s a simple blueprint.
No pumps. No diesel engines. No lawsuits. No bullshit. Just build the best waves possible.
Please watch these short videos explaining the basic mechanisms behind the Fountain of Life to understand how this tech works and then I hope you give it a shot and start building your own version of this tech. There are so many iterations that can be created from this tech. It is almost limitless.
Please review the provisional patent (PDF) for a more in-depth explanation of the tech.
The Fountain of Life is Flow & Spin. To strip it to its core the science of waves is Flow & Spin. The Fountain of Life is simple, it is the convergence of opposing fluid forces, H2O, in a pool with real time complete telemetry manipulation.
The Fountain of Life is born of the atom not the sea. Flowing. Spinning. Perfectly.
Elijah Mack
The Provisional patent: The Fountain of Life
Videos about The Fountain of Life
Alexander Cabral