2015 Payette River Games: River Surfing
Last year’s Payette River Games were a huge success with over 500 athletes competing in all of the events (river surfing, SUP, …) and even more competition is expected this year. For spectators, its free to watch all of the action so pencil in the date and come to beautiful Cascade June 19-21.
Led by Cascade’s very own David Allan, who has surfed more on Kelly’s Wave than anyone, the PRGs welcome surfers to compete in their second river surfing competition.
For all landlocked surfers you will find a big glassy wave at Kelly’s in a town reminiscent of an old American Western movie. Picture a pristine and warm river (70-75 degrees) meandering through the town of Cascade, Idaho adjacent to green pasture land in the foreground surrounded by rugged snow capped mountains.
New Competition Format
All river surfing athletes will vote for the other athletes and the winner will be the one with the most athlete votes. There will be no other judges and we invite an aloha spirit to the games. There will be 2 competitions, an elite and also an open division for the less experienced surfer.
Elite Division
If you think you’ve got the skills to compete with some of the world’s best river surfers, challenge yourself with the Payette River Games Elite River Surfing competition. With $4,000 total prize purse (split evenly for men and women – see the full break down below), this should be one of the most entertaining events of the weekend for spectators and competitors alike.
Fun Division
If you’re more of a beginner but just want to get your feet wet and try surfing the river wave at Kelly’s, jump in to the novice division. This is for surfers who are confident about entering the wave and getting to their feet but perhaps aren’t ready for a 360 air just yet. Come one come all. Give it a try. The PRGs got plenty of fun prizes to give away!
Race for a Good Cause
100% of your entry payments go directly to the PRG’s non-profit host – Kelly’s Whitewater Park. Every dollar you spend will help the park remain open and free for everyone, including our special free kids clinics. So join this event for the funniest weekend on the competition calendar and support a great cause at the same time!
Prize Money and Categories
Best Turn: $500
Best 360: $500
Best Aerial: $500
Best Overall: $500
TOTAL: $2,000
Best Turn: $500
Best 360: $500
Best Aerial: $500
Best Overall: $500
TOTAL: $2,000
Register Now
The Payette River Games (PRGs) is a special weekend and we can’t wait to see the river surfing action. But that’s not all … Whether you’re a spectator or a competitor (or both!), come and witness the amazing Whitewater Stand Up Paddling, Beach Volleyball, Dog Fetch, Lumberjack Tournament, Beach Flags and much more. Join the games from June 19-21 in the beautiful haven of Cascade, Idaho for an event you won’t forget.
Register at: http://www.payetterivergames.com/register/
We look forward to seeing you at the 2015 PRG’s in Cascade!
If you’re a Riverbreak reader and you’re here on the grounds today please remember to tag your photos with #PRG15 and #riverbreak.