Spots Alex Mauer

Published on July 12th, 2017 | by Alex Mauer

Photo by Alex Mauer |  3

Colorado River Surfing – Wave Guide

Colorado has a plethora of great river waves with easy access. River surfing is a subculture of surfing that has grown tremendously over the recent years. Because of the accessibility of river waves all over the state, Colorado has become a mecca of the river surfing world.

Glenwood Wave

Glenwood Wave is one of the most iconic river waves in the sport. Show any river surfer anywhere a picture of the wave and they can tell you where it is. Just in case you are new to the sport this wave is located in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The wave is river wide and surfers left is a long board style wave and surfers right is more of a short board style wave. Ideal flow for this wave is 15,000-24,000 CFS. You can even check this wave out live on

Glenwood Wave, Colorado

Scout Wave

Scout Wave is easily some of the best surfing in the state. This wave is located in Salida, Colorado. If you follow the Badfish team you have seen this wave. This wave is great for SUPs and short boards! If you are looking for a wave to learn and practice new tricks this is one of the best spots. The ideal flow for this wave is X.

Scout Wave, Colorado

Pueblo Wave

Pueblo, Colorado is home to one of the most unique surf parks around. Surfers Right is lined with a huge wall full of some bad ass graffiti. Hole 3 has a mural of a dragon and the grim reaper. Tell me pictures with that in the back drop don’t grab peoples attention. An ideal flow for this wave is 1,100-4,000 CFS.

Pueblo Wave, Colorado

Miracle Wave

Miracle Wave on the front range is just that, a miracle. Years could pass and this wave will not break. When it breaks it is amazing. It is a river wide wave with a pocket on each side. With a long enough board you can connect the pocket and surf the whole wave! This wave starts breaking at 1,000 CFS. The higher the flow gets, The better the wave gets.

Miracle Wave, Colorado

Benihana’s Wave

Benihana’s Wave is hands down the best wave in the state! Don’t underestimate the size of this wave is the pictures. It is much, much more than just a small tongue. This wave is helping expand the river surfing culture in Colorado. This wave is adjustable and can be dialed in depending on what the flow is. Ben Nielson designed the wave and it will be a game changer for the growth of the sport. This wave is on point between 200-400 CFS.

Benihana’s Wave, Colorado

Benihana’s Wave, Colorado

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Alex Mauer

When I was 12 my dad gave me a boogie board. He told me to go play in the river next to his apartment. I have been playing in the water and helping pioneer the river surfing scene in Colorado ever since. I have a bucket list of waves I want to surf around the world! I love to play in the water and will try and surf anything! Surfing is surfing no matter what you are riding, short board, long board, SUP, boogie board, pool toys, lunch trays ... you name it I will try and surf it!

  • Don’t believe the hype

    Benihana’s the best wave in the state… yikes

  • Rick

    “Surfing is surfing, no matter what you are riding…” — SO true!
    Along with a quiver from 5’11″ to 10′ boards, my family takes boogie boards, SUPS, 12′ ocean kayaks, and a huge inflatable ducky into our local surf anytime we want a smile.
    Smiles and laughs all day!
    2 ft to 20 ft – get out there, play nice and smile!
    Can’t wait to try this!

    • Riverbreak Magazine


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